Most Android devices (~930 million) are vulnerable and Google won't patch them....
Most Android devices (~930 million) are vulnerable and Google won’t patch them. Google is now only supporting the current named version of Android (Lollipop, or 5.0) and the prior named version (KitKat, or 4.4). Jelly Bean (versions 4.0 through 4.3) and earlier will no longer see security patches. Metasploit: Google No Longer Provides Patches f… | SecurityStreet Over the past year, independent researcher Rafay Baloch (of “Rafay’s Hacking Articles”) and Rapid7’s Joe Vennix have been knocking out Android WebView exploits somewhat routinely, based both on published research and original findings. Today, Metasploit ships with 11 such exploits, thanks to Rafay,… ...