How To Insert Your Profile Picture As Emoticon In Facebook Chat

For all those Facebook chat fans, here is a cool trick to insert your profile picture as emoticon inside chat windows. In fact, this trick works with any of the profile pictures, Facebook pages. This means you can insert Mark Zuckerberg’s face or even Jessica Alba’s picture while chatting with your friends.




As shown in the above picture (leave those red rectangles), you can insert profile pictures of Facebook users and also pages inside chat windows.


  1. To test out, select one of your friends as a victim and start chatting!
  2. In the conversation, put your profile ID in double brackets. For example, the page has cosmoGeek as the profile ID and has 304045381665 as the profile ID.
  3. To insert above pages pictures as emoticons in the conversation, just type [[cosmoGeek]] or [[304045381665]]
  4. You can do the same thing for individual profile pictures of your friends. Indeed, you can use anybody’s profile picture as emoticon.

Even though, they show up in small pictures, if you mouse hover the emoticon, you can see its profile ID.

Liked it? If you feel tired of using your boring friends’ pictures, try out these codes –


Troll face: [[171108522930776]]
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME: [[143220739082110]]
Not bad Obama: [[169919399735055]]
Me Gusta: [[211782832186415]]
Mother of God: [[142670085793927]]
Cereal Guy: [[170815706323196]]
LOL Face: [[168456309878025]]
NO Guy: [[167359756658519]]
Yao Ming: [[218595638164996]]
Derp: [[224812970902314]]
Derpina: [[192644604154319]]
Forever Alone: [[177903015598419]]
Not Bad: [[NotBaad]]
Fuck yeah: [[105387672833401]]
Challenge accepted: [[100002727365206]]
Okay face: [[100002752520227]]
Dumb bitch: [[218595638164996]]
Poker face: [[129627277060203]]
Okay face: [[224812970902314]]
Socially awkward penguin: [[98438140742]]
Rage face: [[FUUUOFFICIAL]]
Lamp: [[100001256102462]]
No: [[167359756658519]]
MOG: [[142670085793927]]
Feel like a sir: [[168040846586189]]
Forever alone christmas: [[125038607580286]]



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