T-Mobile CEO speaks about iPhone 6 bendgate and what Tim Cook couldn't! “What…

T-Mobile CEO speaks about iPhone 6 bendgate and what Tim Cook couldn't!

“What the **** are you putting it in your pants and sitting on it for?” he asks.

“You know what, those 9 people that sat on their phones, first of all they need jeans that fit them a little better, cause if your jeans are cutting your phone. What idiot [tries to bend the iPhone 6]? Give me a break. Take your laptop, you know, do handstands on it, throw it against the wall. That’s bull****. This thing doesn’t f***ing bend.”

Full video: <above comments starts at 20:00>


John Legere, CEO of T-Mobile – GeekWire Summit 2014

T-Mobile’s outspoken and maverick leader shares insights on the future of the mobile industry, and lessons from his efforts to disrupt the wireless business.






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