Every Smartphone has a cellular antenna and can lose signal strength!

After iPhone 4 reception issues and free cases chronicle – so called ‘Antennagate’, Apple posted an article in its website. It says every smartphone has a cellular antenna and can lose signal strength if you hold it in a certain way.

It compared iPhone 4 alongside other smartphones – BlackBerry Bold 9700, HTC Droid Eris, Samsung Omnia II

Understanding attenuation and signal loss:

The opposite of amplification, attenuation happens whenever a signal is obstructed. All antennas — including television, radio, GPS, and cellular antennas — can experience attenuation. And with most antennas, the density and composition of the human hand can cause attenuation to a greater degree than some other materials. On a mobile phone, signal loss typically occurs when your hand attenuates the most sensitive part of the antenna. In the photos and videos below, we demonstrate how different grips cause attenuation on many popular smartphones — including iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS.






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