How to Remove Farmville like App Notifications on Facebook Wall

Many people want to stop, delete and remove Farmville, Zoo world, Mafia wars like App Notifications, emails, updates, posts on their Facebook wall and news feed. I have so many friends playing these kind of Apps that my FB news feed is full of unwanted crappy updates!
Your friends are addicted Zoo world, Farmville fans and will not stop playing just because you don’t want their FB updates from messaging your wall.

Hide Zoo world from Facebook News Feed Pages

In the newsfeed page, FB has a Hide button on the top right hand side of the Zoo world updates
Most people I know fear to click Hide, because they feel it will stop all Facebook updates from their Facebook friend. Don’t worry, nothing happens. So here is what happens when you click the Hide button.
Just click ‘Hide Zoo World’ and all Zoo world updates in your news feed will go away instantly from all your hundreds of FB Zoo world friends.
This is applicable for all other applications you want to apply.
*Just incase some day you want to restore Facebook in your news feed, there is an “Edit Options” link on the bottom right; click it and you can add Farmville application which you have hidden from your news feed.

Stop Zoo World Updates from Facebook Wall

You will notice Zoo World still keeps publishing your Facebook friends Zoo World updates, posts, news and stories to your Facebook Wall. So to stop Zoo World from publishing updates and flooding your Facebook wall, got to top right on Account > Application Settings
Locate Zoo World in the listed Applications and click “Edit Settings”. An alert box pops up which allows you to Edit Zoo World settings. Go to “Additional Permissions” and uncheck the box titled “Publish recent activity (one line stories) to my Wall”

Delete Farmville Farm App: Remove Farmville Account Forever

Go to top right Account > Application Settings > Farmville
Click the cross at the end and a pop up box alerts you that you are deleting Farmville app forever.
Click Remove Farmville farm from Facebook, and you will no longer show up as your friend Farmville neighbours and will stop Farmville from overwhelming Facebook.
Delete Farmville account and get the peace you wanted!!



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