How To Disable Facebook Auto Facial Recognition Feature

Facebook introduced facial recognition feature few days ago which lets an option to tag a picture automatically. This automatic photo tagging feature might be good for some of you but it may get creeper nevertheless.




This automatic facial recognition feature lets you paint other people’s names onto your pictures making people who aren’t on Facebook, or who choose not to identify themselves openly in uploaded photos, may end up easy to find online.

Facebook will try to determine if any of the pictures look like you and if they find what they believe to be a match, they may ask one of your friends to tag it with your name!

Though Facebook does not give right to pre approve tags, this feature is now pushing your friends to go ahead and tag you.

If this is something you’re not comfortable with, you can disable this feature now –

  1. Go to Facebook privacy settings
  2. Click ‘Customize settings’
  3. Under ‘Things others share’, you should see ‘Suggest photos of me to friends’ option [This feature might not be available to all users. Facebook is rolling out gradually]
  4. image
  5. Click ‘Edit Settings’ and change the option to ‘Disabled’ if you don’t want Facebook to work in that fashion

This auto facial recognition feature basically uses a comparison of photos you’re tagged in to suggest that friends tag you in new photos.







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