Google ditching Windows for Linux and Mac

Google is currently phasing out Windows-based PCs, and switching over to Mac and Linux operating systems, according to the Financial Times.  Since the Google China attacks back in January, shortly after Google said it would end censorship in China, Google is removing Windows from its computers.

Google is no longer offering new hires the option to run Windows-based PCs, without the approval of a CIO, and instead offering employees Mac computers or PCs running Linux operating system.  Google was still allowing new hires to install Windows on their laptops, back in January, but not on their desktops.

“We’re not doing any more Windows. It is a security effort,” said an employee at Google.  “Linux is open source and we feel good about it,” said the employee. “Microsoft we don’t feel so good about.”

Long-term employees who wanted to remain using Windows on their machines required approval from “quite senior levels,” an employee at Google said.

Employees at Google have also mentioned that Google is in the process of switching employees to run their own products, including Google Chrome OS, Google Chrome browser and a variety of other essential products.

Google was attacked back in January, using a remote code execution (RCE) security flaw found in Internet Explorer 6 running on Windows XP.  The exploit could be used to run unauthorized software on a compromised computer by tricking the user into visiting a webpage with maliciously code on it.

[via] Neowin






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