Google Apps

Gmail Administrators Can Now Disable Auto Email Forward Feature

By default, Gmail lets you forward all your incoming emails to another email addresses. This feature is also available in Google Apps for all editions including Business, Free and Education. This has become pain for Gmail administrators to monitor their organization’s users where people can keep a rule to auto-forward company’s sensitive data to outside domain.

Today, Google is rolling out an important feature where a Google Apps administrator can disable this option to prevent users from setting up automatic forwarding.

Google Apps

To disable automatic forwarding:

Sign in to the Google Apps administrator control panel.

The URL is, where primary-domain-name is the domain name you used to sign up for Google Apps.

From the menu at the top of the page, select Settings, then choose Email from the left column.

In the Automatic Forwarding section, clear the check box Allow users to automatically forward email to another address.

As of now, Google is rapidly rolling out this feature only with Google Apps for Business and Education editions. If your organization is using Free edition, you can still use this feature to auto-forward emails. To learn more on auto-forwarding to another account, check out these official steps from Google here.

Now, if you are part of normal Google Apps user group, have you ever used this feature to auto-forward emails? You can comment as a guest if you are concerned with your privacy.

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